Welcome to Self-care

Postpartum Journey Begins!

Today starts my postpartum care for my new client! We are super excited to be working with one another, I'm really looking forward to give care to this family. Momma was due fot a cesarean later this month but she went into labor early! 

It was such exciting news until it hit me that I have a doula retreat planned for this week! My heart started to palpitate because I have been anticipating this trip for a while now and I've REALLY been needing some time to reset, but I also am so excited about caring for this family! I'm panicking internally trying to figure out what I should do. I type up a few texts to different people hoping 1 of them can give me a decision that has no panick in it and help ground me. And that's exactly what I got, praise the most high! My mentor AND my client both told me to go on my trip which I'm so grateful for. 

Starting a new life is scary and I know Momma would prefer to have me here, but she understands I am a human being with a life and we were both more than willing to flexible with one another's schedules and needs. I'm so grateful for this experience, my client who has done everything she can to make sure I will be comfortable while caring for her family, and for my village giving me the help and space to be able to do this work. 🙌🏼  We're off to a great start!

I start my first shift today and I'm excited and nervous 🤞🏻 hoping for the best, but I'm sure it will be just that! I have so much to look forward to this month! Tomorrow I leave for my retreat and Monday I continue care for this beautiful family!

Channeling positive vibes and love, thanks for tuning in y'all 🦋💕


Update on my 1st shift coming soon!